Sylvia's Place offers our services free of charge.
We depend on grants and donations to allow us to continue to offer services and provide a safe place for victims fleeing domestic abuse. All donations are tax-deductible; you will receive an acknowledgement in the mail.
If you would like to monetarily contribute to our agency, three options are available:

Please send your check or money order to:
Sylvia's Place
PO Box 13
Allegan, MI 49010

Make a secure online donation using PayPal:
Thank you in advance for your support. Your generosity ensures that services continue to be available to those experiencing violence and abuse. Without your help, those we are honored to serve may have no alternative to escape the dangerous situation they are currently enduring.
Sylvia's Place is a designated 501(c)(3) organization as identified by the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation is tax-deductible. To view our privacy policy click here.